When the film begins, Giselle is an innocent, romantic young woman, living in the land of Andalasia.
She is a composite of other Disney Princesses (despite not actually being a princess herself) with her most prominent features coinciding with Snow White. Physically she resembles Ariel, Cinderella and Aurora.
In keeping with the image of a typical fairytale character, she is a dreamer who believes in aspects of "True Love" and sings quite frequently. She converses with animals regularly who also assist her in making dresses from "unusual" materials.
When you're feeling down, look up. The sky is big enough to hold all of your sadness.
当你难过时,就抬头仰望天空吧。 它那么大,一定可以包容你所有的委屈。
All good things to those who wait.
And at last I see the light.And it's like the fog is lifted.And at last I see the light.And it's like the sky is new.
——i see the light《魔发奇缘》
影片的音乐也非常出色,其中的主题曲《Let It Go》更是成为了经典。《冰雪奇缘》不仅适合儿童观看,也能让成年观众感受到温暖和感动。总的来说,这是一部充满魔力和情感的优秀动画电影。
瑞嘉希nancy是一个虚构人物,她的名字来源于一位美国演员Nancy White。
Rachael Harris是一个美国演员,她曾经演过许多电影和电视剧,其中包括《星球大战:原力觉醒》、《神探夏洛克》、《魔法奇缘》等等。她曾经获得过艾美奖、金球奖和奥斯卡奖的提名。
Nancy White是一位美国演员,她在电影和电视剧中扮演过许多角色,其中包括《阿凡达》、《黑魔女》和《绿箭侠》等。
尽管瑞嘉希nancy和Nancy White之间没有直接的联系,但是Nancy White曾经在2008年演过一部名为《The Last Mimsy》的电视剧,而这部电视剧的导演就是瑞嘉希nancy的丈夫,Jon Ronson。