
大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于最喜欢的电视节目英语的问题,于是小编就整理了2个相关介绍最喜欢的电视节目英语的解答,让我们一起看看吧。用英语介绍一下你最喜欢的电视节目?"Animal World&...



"Animal World" is my favorite program. First of all, I like animals,especially small animals. Secondly, the host has the ability to make the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, through this program I know a lot of things that I haven\'t known before. I gain some knowledge about animal life. Such as different lives of different animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal, and the meaning of animal protection and so on. Now I understand animals are part of nature as we are. They can not be separated from the humans. We must keep nature in balance so that we will have a good life in the future.', " Let's love animals. Never do any harm to them.", ' “动物世界”是我最喜欢的电视节目。首先,我喜欢动物,尤其是小动物;



第三,通过这个节目,我知道了许多以前不知道的事情,获得了一些动物生活方面的知识。例如,不同动物的不同生活习惯,人与动物之间、人与自然之间的关系,还有保护动物的意义。 现在我懂得了,动物像我们一样是自然的一部分,它们与人类不可分割。

我们必须保持生态平衡,才能使我们将来的生活更好。 热爱动物吧,不要再伤害它们。希望对你有帮助哦~


My Favorite Program

Nowadays more and more programs are shown every day.My favorite program is "Discovery" which is broadcasted by CCTV at 5' clock every other afternoon,except weekends.The program provides us with knowledge in natural and scientific aspects.I like to know about the secrets of animals and some scientific research.I acquire some knowledge about nature and science of the past,present and even the future.It is an interesting as well as instructive program.Besides,the pictures are very vivid and beautiful.It' s really a great joy to watch it.Ifyou don't believe what I said,just watch it by yourself.and then you will know I am right.

My Favourite Program on TV
