
大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于复仇者联盟动画片英语的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍复仇者联盟动画片英语的解答,让我们一起看看吧。复仇者联盟观后感英文?I recently watched the superhero...



I recently watched the superhero movie "Bad Guys Alliance". 


It is a story about three evil geniuses gathering together to fight against an old enemy. 

At first, they seemed to be world enemies, but after a few twists and turns in the plot, they eventually helped the world in a crisis. The movie is full of exciting and thrilling action scenes. Through the movie, I can see that justice does not depend on large numbers or backgrounds, but on the true spirit of Three Musketeers and team spirit. The theme of the movie is also very enlightening. 

No matter how bad people are, they can choose to be good and help others in difficult times. I have gained a lot from this movie, and I highly recommend it to others.


1、最怀旧: 《Come and Get Your Love》 -出自《银河护卫队》

2、最悲情: 《Hurt》--出自《金刚狼3》预告

3、最劲爆: 《I'm Alive》--出自《复仇者联盟》

4、最酷炫: 《Sweet Dreams》--出自《X战警:天启》

5、最适合做《复联3》预告的: 《Live Like Legends》

6、最喜感: 《Wham Bam Shang-A-Lang》一-出自《银河护卫队2》

7、最放纵: 《Come a Little Bit Closet)--出自《银河护卫队2》

8、最佳配乐: 《The Avengers》

9、最佳专辑: 《银河护卫队VOL.2》

10、最完美、最感动、最受欢迎: 《Father and Son》


With a loud finger, half of the life in the universe is gone.

With the help of Captain surprise (brie Larson), the nearly desperate Avengers find the hiding place of mieba (Josh Brolin), only to learn that six infinite gems have been destroyed, and their hope is completely destroyed.

So after five years, the ant man (Paul Rudd) lost in the quantum field unexpectedly returns to the real world, and his appearance ignites the hope for the surviving Avengers.

Tony (Robert Downey Jr., Jr.) who breaks his old grudge with Captain USA (Chris Evans) finds a way to travel through time and space, and superheroes from all over the world gather again.

They travel through different times to collect infinite gems.

In the process, the parallel universe's exterminators realized their plan.

The final battle destined to go down in history, superheroes continue to fight for the faith they abide by in their hearts
