
大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于狮子王动画片英语版的问题,于是小编就整理了1个相关介绍狮子王动画片英语版的解答,让我们一起看看吧。狮子王英文影评?Simba,a young lion,is going to be the...



Simba,a young lion,is going to be the future king.But his vicious uncle,Scar,who is so jealous of him and his father,Mufasa,cooperates with the Hyenas,kills Mufasa and makes Simba leave guiltily.After years Simba has grown up and met his best friend,Nala,again and decides not to escape from his guilt any more.


Music is always Disney's strength and it's particular good in this film.The songs has already become classics and it's really cheering when you listen to them.With them you just don't feel like watching the film for one and a half hours.

The message is very positive.Disney makes use of the impression the public has of lions to show that even someone really strong can be weak sometime.No matter what has come what you should do is face it and deal with it but not run away from it.

This is one of the best Disney's animations and I'm sure both adult and children will enjoy the story and music and won't get bored even if you watch it for a few times.

The Lion King影评。
然而也有一些人对于该片的 CG动画效果以及台词相对简单等方面提出了一些质疑。
